Two Locations to Better Serve You
A root canal is an innovative procedure that can preserve your smile and improve your overall oral health. Knowing what to expect before and during this dental process is an important factor in choosing your treatment plan, and in selecting a reliable dental professional to complete your procedure.
Removal of the Infection
When the interior or pulp of your tooth becomes infected, the tooth begins to die. Without intervention, there is no way to save your natural tooth. During the procedure, the tooth is drilled, exposing the interior where soft tissue is located. This diseased tissue is then removed, and the area is thoroughly cleaned to eliminate infection and bacteria.
You Will Keep Your Natural Tooth
Once the infection is removed, the tooth must be crowned or capped to seal out bacteria and to ensure a strong structure. Chewing, talking, laughing and oral hygiene are the same as before the procedure because your natural tooth is still firmly secured in your jawbone. Bone structure and density remain healthy because the tooth remains in place.
Relief From Pain
Before the procedure, you probably felt discomfort and oral pain. Once successfully completed, your root canal provides permanent relief from any discomfort, allowing you to enjoy talking, eating and drinking normally. To learn more about how to save your tooth with a root canal, call New England Dental Health Services PC in Orange at 203-799-3311.
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Financing & Interest-Free Payment Plans Available: Wells Fargo, CareCredit